A New Digital Transformation Trip with Thai Nippon Started

Thai Nippon Steel and Skytizens officially launch a new ISO Document control system and workflow project with our unique Alfresco Workflow Services.

Building Oustanding Wokflow Performance for Engineering Process.

Skytizens is happy to announce that Thai Nippon Steel has trusted our advanced Alfresco Workflow services to operate the ISO regulation and control within the Alfresco+Joget Platform. The company provides a Front End Engineering Design, Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering, Installation, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and many more.

The Alfresco Workflow Services allows Thai Nippon the ability to digitally work and easily store the processed document in one platform. It gives the flexible performances to work anywhere around the world with internet access which they can get to any tasks. A one-stop service platform combines the Alfresco and Joget system allowing both workflow processes and documents stored at the same time.

Greatly obtain the Workflow utility is our major achievement. With the advanced and customization features, significantly combined the most effective far-beyond-performance such as ISO Document Control System includes Document Action Request, Corrective Action Request, Internal Audit Management, Engineering Management Solution, and Project Management System.

Perfect especially for ISO Control Process

Your operational enhancement requirement provided by our advanced technology development will be completely changed into full digitalization, not only the process but also the system. So, you will receive the extended Alfresco Workflow Services solution and its simplicity to perfect every ISO workflow process.

Skytizens is glad to become a part of your operational journey, ISO regulation compliance, and deployment. We will be providing the greatest service and the most satisfying utility continuously for your success in the future.

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Alfresco Workflow Services

Looking for advnaced Alfresco Workflow Services? Feel free to contact us for more details about our exclusive features and solutions suited to every governmental process operation.

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