Systematic ISO Document Edit
Learn about document action request (DAR) with Edit Document Request (EDR) workflow within ISO DAR Workflow application. Additionally, you can watch the ISO DAR Document Control Approval System playlist from Skytizens now!
Custom ISO Document Management Solution
Thanks to our over 16 years of experience in customize document management software, Skytizens has develop Alfresco Workflow Services. In short, this system originates from integrating Joget business process management into Alfresco document management system. As a result, capabilities of dual platform integration are extended to ISO compliance document control. Although, this application is just one of many custom solutions we have developed to match each customer’s requirements.
Actual System Demonstration
This video demonstrate how document edit request workflow works as whole. To illustrate, the process begins with request creation and finish with revised document saving. Therefore, viewers can clearly see how ISO solution can actually help in managing and controlling documents.
Alfresco Workflow Services
Looking for simplify workflow and business process management? Feel free to contact us for more details about our exclusive features and solutions suited to every organization.