Effective Information Administration
Storing content is expensive. Alfresco Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) allows enterprises to optimize their information and records management storage and establish a control framework easily and, more importantly, cost-effectively. Alfresco system security features meet the highest regulatory and compliance requirement standards while ensuring valuable records availability throughout the lifecycle, until final destruction.
Perpetual Records Storage
Skytizens allows customers to leverage Alfresco’s Records Management service for infrequently accessed valuable data. Dramatically reduce records management storage costs compared to on-site storage, while retaining the extensive security features of Alfresco Governance Services and Information Lifecycle Management, that meet the highest regulatory and compliance requirements for storage and archiving.
- Long term, durable and secure storage solutions scaled to your organizational needs
- Support through integration makes a range of use cases dramatically less expensive
- Significantly reduce content storage costs and keep records accessible for longer
Elemental Lifecycle Management
Your business will invariably work with a wide range of records management types and uses, and, while all records must take the same basic information lifecycle management path of creation, maintenance, and final termination, an individual record type may need to be assigned specific actions.
- Ability to manage content lifecycles based on elements such as content age, version number, or frequency of access
- Manage the information lifecycle with Alfresco Records Management by using rules, metadata, and AI
- Time-relevant, collaborative notification, and retention to disposition characteristic records actions
Information Archival or Disposal
Alfresco Information Lifecycle Management and Records Management systems gives your organization the ability to differentiate and act on records that need a legal hold, records related to regulatory record keeping, and records that have other real business utility. Ultimately, the remainder of records contain unusable trivial information that hold little or no value.
- Reduce total cost of ownership of content storage with virtualization, archival, retention tiering, and disposal
- Estimates of up to 2/3 of total content stored by most organizations holds no business value; determine your contents value
- Confidently sort through massive records repository by retention schedules and disposition schedules to archive or dispose of unneeded content
Enterprise Grade Alfresco Addons
Skytizens many years of experience and expertise in Information Lifecycle Management can be seen in our addons such as Alfresco Data Extraction and Sorting and Alfresco Stability and Reliability Extension. Both of these addons, and many more, allow your company to take Records Management and Information Lifecycle Management to the next level.
Alfresco Information Governance Capabilities
Alfresco offers an unrivaled combination of simplicity and control to strengthen compliance and reduce business risk. Alfresco Governance Services automates the information lifecycle from capture through retention, to final disposition of destruction or archival.
Alfresco Security and Controlled Access
Alfresco Regulatory Compliance
Alfresco eDiscovery and Legal Holds
Alfresco Records Storage Management
Information Governance Business Clients
Organizations of all sizes and industries have benefited from Alfresco and Skytizens services
Information Lifecycle Management FAQ
Do You Have Questions? We Have Answers.
Storing content can be a costly business. Good Information Lifecycle Management procedures can help reduce these costs by ensuring that companies only retain critical business content and storing that content on the most appropriate medium for the business purpose.
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) refers to strategies for administering storage systems on computing devices. ILM aims to ensure that storage, where files are physically located, is appropriate for the business requirements.
Information most commonly travels through six stages in its lifecycle. It is created, captured, digitized or processed, analyzed, archived, and finally disposed.
Records Management is about managing, securing and, ultimately, deleting content to ensure compliance with strict government or industry regulations. Information Lifecycle Management is about optimizing how and where this content is stored.
Alfresco Governance Services combines both Records Management and Information Lifecycle Management in a single solution to help organizations ensure compliance and better manage content storage—potentially reducing storage costs. By utilizing Alfresco’s AI services and sophisticated rules engine, content storage can be automatically optimized for business needs, cost savings and compliance.