Govern Legal Records
The legal environment of business can be dangerous to navigate unaided, fortunately Skytizens can help you chart the course. With quick responses to formal requests the expenses and time of following up on multiple future requests is eliminated. Alfresco Governance Services automates the records management processes that require the most resources and greatly reduces expenses during lengthy litigation requests by finding and placing holds on records and content across multiple repositories.

The only thing more expensive and time consuming than complying with eDiscovery disclosure orders, is not complying. Intent of compliance will not reduce the monetary fines, will not expand the operating restrictions, and will not reverse damage to your organizations reputation. Stay prepared and be ready with Alfresco records management so you never need to get ready.
- Federated search extends eDiscovery records management through repositories enterprise wide
- Identify relevant content with Alfresco Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Export results in the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) XML format for external review
- Minimize business impact by lowering the odds of incomplete or inappropriate response
Legal Holds
Alfresco Governance Services efficiently administers Legal Hold records management requirements with a much lower cost than the traditional process. When the action of a group of records is frozen in anticipation of a current or future investigation such as an audit or litigation Alfresco’s Legal Hold ensures immediate compliance while preserving key data during the entire eDiscovery process.
- Automatic, powerful, and dynamic eDiscovery search capabilities reduce the time and cost of compliance
- Records, as well as active content, can be placed on multiple holds to prevent alterations
- Legal holds across repositories and manage in place automatic suspension of dispositions during the legal hold process
- Bulk removal from hold and back to normal at end of case allows normal use to resume immediately

Original Document Discovery
We know the world has increasingly adopted paper saving records management technologies, but the need for physical documentation remains persistent. In litigation the original non-electronic document or record will surely be requested, and Alfresco can help you meet that request.
- Manage non-electronic content on or off-site to ensure legal hold and discovery compliance
- Track physical records with box barcode technology and monitor information custody digitally
- Set automatic notifications for content requests, loan transfers, or other content transitions
- Reduce risk of mismanaged or lost information by conducting inventory audits for discovery
Enterprise Grade Alfresco Addons
Skytizens many years’ experience and expertise in eDiscovery and Legal Holds can be seen in our addons such as Alfresco Dynamic Watermark and Alfresco Advanced Audit Log Viewer. Both of these addons, and many more, allow your company to handle even the most challenging of legal records management circumstances.
Alfresco Information Governance Capabilities
Alfresco offers an unrivaled combination of simplicity and control to strengthen compliance and reduce business risk. Alfresco Governance Services automates the information lifecycle from capture through retention, to final disposition of destruction or archival.
Alfresco Security and Controlled Access
Alfresco Regulatory Compliance
Alfresco eDiscovery and Legal Holds
Alfresco Records Storage Management
Information Governance Business Clients
Organizations of all sizes and industries have benefited from Alfresco and Skytizens services
eDiscovery and Legal Holds FAQ
Do You Have Questions? We Have Answers.
The failure to identify and preserve all the electronically stored information (ESI) that is relevant to a legal action or litigation may lead to a claim of spoliation of evidence. This can result in massive fines from the court or even more serious sanctions like dismissal of claims or defenses.
The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) is a framework of standards used for the discovery and recovery and of digital records and data.
eDiscovery or electronic data discovery is the process of identifying, collecting and reviewing electronically stored information (ESI) in the initial phase of a litigation or investigation.
A Legal Hold is used to preserve all forms of electronically stored information (ESI) for potential litigation matters or investigations.
Alfresco Governance Services combines both Records Management and Information Lifecycle Management in a single solution to help organizations ensure compliance and better manage content storage—potentially reducing storage costs. By utilizing Alfresco’s AI services and sophisticated rules engine, content storage can be automatically optimized for business needs, cost savings and compliance.